====== Key Terms and Concepts ====== In this section, we define and elaborate on the core terms and concepts central to the Communitarium Project. These definitions will evolve as our discussions bring to light new insights and deeper understandings. The terms here help guide our analysis and critique of current systems and their alternatives. Below is an alphabetical index of key terms and concepts: ===== Index ===== * [[ecological_evaluation|Ecological Evaluation]] * [[interpretive_frameworks|Interpretive Frameworks]] * [[maxs_dybbuk|Max's Dybbuk]] * [[meta-dybbuk|Meta-Dybbuk]] * [[collective_unconscious|Collective Unconscious]] * [[information_ensembles|Information Ensembles]] * [[information_entities|Information Entities]] * [[reductive_evaluation|Reductive Evaluation]] * [[schmooze-level_social_reality|Schmooze-Level Social Reality]]