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Welcome to the Communitarium Wiki, a collaborative space dedicated to exploring, developing, and articulating the theoretical foundations and practical applications of the Communitarium Project. This wiki serves as a repository for our ongoing discussions, evolving perspectives, and critical examinations of social, economic, and organizational systems.
The Communitarium Wiki is organized into several major sections, each representing an area of focus for our efforts to understand and reshape the structures around us toward a more equitable and collective future.
The purpose of this wiki is to:
The Communitarium Wiki is divided into the following sections:
As the Communitarium Wiki grows, it will evolve through the contributions and insights of its participants. We encourage regular revision and refinement of the material, especially as new discussions shed light on deeper aspects of our key concepts.
For updates, discussions, or to propose changes, visit the Discussion Page.
Join us in this collaborative effort to imagine and build a better world through the lens of communitaria!