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start [2024/09/12 08:09] baslowstart [2024/12/13 13:33] (current) – [Contributions and Revisions] baslow
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   * [[books_authors_schools_of_thought|Books, Authors, and Schools of Thought]]: Summaries and critical reflections on relevant literature, including works by authors like **Elinor Ostrom**, **Erik Olin Wright**, and others. This section will also engage with various schools of thought that align with or challenge the Communitarium's goals.   * [[books_authors_schools_of_thought|Books, Authors, and Schools of Thought]]: Summaries and critical reflections on relevant literature, including works by authors like **Elinor Ostrom**, **Erik Olin Wright**, and others. This section will also engage with various schools of thought that align with or challenge the Communitarium's goals.
-  + 
 +  * [[sociocultural_studies|Sociocultural Studies]]: Explores the dynamic processes of social interaction, cultural formation, and the development of social norms through the lens of dissimulation, performance, and other interpretive frameworks. This area of study focuses on how human societies maintain, negotiate, and alter meaning, with particular attention to the management of both the **collective conscious** and the **collective unconscious**. 
   * [[communitarium_in_practice|Communitarium in Practice]]: Focused on the practical applications of Communitarium ideas, this section will showcase examples of how communitaria might work in real-world settings, as well as guidelines for creating and sustaining them.   * [[communitarium_in_practice|Communitarium in Practice]]: Focused on the practical applications of Communitarium ideas, this section will showcase examples of how communitaria might work in real-world settings, as well as guidelines for creating and sustaining them.
 +  * [[blog|Communitarium Blog]]
 ===== Contributions and Revisions ===== ===== Contributions and Revisions =====
start.1726142965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/12 08:09 by baslow